Monday, February 9, 2009

Herpes said "Knock You Outtt"

It has been all over the news. Chris Brown turned himself in to the police Sunday after being accused of domestic violence involving Rhianna.

The couple left together in a limo after Clyde Davis' party and someone reported later that night/early morning that they saw Chris hit someone. A female reported the case but left her name out.

It was later discovered that the female was Rhianna and that she had bruises on her face.

Chris Brown later turned himself in and was eventually released on a $50,000 bond.

An "inside source" said that Rhianna is ok.

I heard on the radio that Rhianna had herpes, so, naturally, Chris got upset...and, well, we know how that ended.
I don't know how true that is, but, I guess we shall see as the story unfolds. has all the juicy info!

They got the scope that Rhianna was a jelous girlfriend, and Chris was just plain hostile.

Just now, they reported that

"February 09, 2009. just caught wind that the police incident report in the Rihanna-Chris Brown assault case claims that Rihanna was "Assaulted With A Deadly Weapon".
Here's how TMZ is reporting it:
Law enforcement sources tell us the crime report calls the incident assault with a deadly weapon -- we do not yet know the nature of the weapon.The crime report gives the victim's name as Robyn Fenty -- that's Rihanna's real name."

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