Monday, March 23, 2009

Release some anger

If anyone knows me they know that I am not an angry person...but everyday, some body, some one wants to test my gangsta! lol....

Damn...what the hell am I doing wrong, honestly. Why do these bull shit ass niccas continue to make that cut in my life.

Fuck it!

Yes, I am angry because I am desperately trying hard to re-evaulate myself and wonder where all this bad karma/drama is coming from.

I am on a road to self-awarness but I'm finding myself in this fucking tornado that has me too caught up.

Way too caught up for no reason.

Questions to you lame ass penis' out there: Do you really think I'm that dumb? Do I look dumb ass hell? What type of bitches are you messin with that you get away with that shit?!

I am smart as hell, I am a very intelligent woman. I know more than what most people think I know and maybe my passive attitude gets the best of me and people think they can just take advantage of the situation....

nah....F that! I'm about to start letting niccas know...I don't have time to sit around and just think on shit...that's for the birds.

Come on dude.....I'm shaking my head mad hard because this shit doesn't make sense to me.

You don't have to lie to me you lame ass excuse for a man! No offense lol. I'm not mad...just angry at the situation.

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