Sunday, February 22, 2009

Ok. So tonight I hear probably the saddest story I have ever heard.

This girl was having drunkin sex with this guy and she literally broke his penis.

Well, technically, he broke his penis. He 'was totally off'

The situation went from bad to worse after a cold shower and a bag of ice didn't help the swellege...

They then had to make that embarassing trip to the hospital. Zmy first question was how do you explain what happened to the doctors and nurses....hmm

I bet that was a story to tell back in the break room.

I had to be the bearer to my good friend. He has to think of her every waking moment because he has to suffer through the pain if a broken penis. This dude can't do anything with his little man for long, agonizing months...

And they were friends.

I would like to take this opportunity to say drunkin sex can lead to serious and dangerous side effects. It is not something for the inexperienced.

The question was asked to her if this was her first penis breaking experience...this was her first. It was then that her nickname 'Breaker' was born.

It would be difficult to know that some guy is in longlasting pain due to what we were doing...thats crazy!!

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